Resourceful Online Marketing Professional with 6 years of experience developing and implementing digital marketing and advertising campaigns. James Has designed and developed websites and digital marketing strategies for clients and personal use. A forward-thinking Marketing Guru who creates landing pages and with A/B testing, while analyzing ROI and conversion to adjust marketing campaigns. In his spare time James moonlights as a commissioned officer in the Army National Guard.
Blueprint Certification is Facebook's credentialing program for digital advertising professionals who demonstrate advanced proficiency in Facebook marketing. The Facebook Certified Buying Professional credential is awarded to digital advertising professionals who are proficient in creating and buying Facebook advertising for maximum campaign impact.
GAIQ License #02013707
Director of MarTech Solutions • January 2017 - July 2019
Merge all facets of web development programming knowledge with well-tenured marketing experience to conceptualize and implement unique digital marketing solutions for a wide array of clients and industries, centrally focused on Facebook ads and front-end web development.
PPC Manager • September 2013 - October 2017
Located in Rochester, NY, I managed multiple Pay-Per-Click accounts for several clients. Search Engine Marketing campaigns were executed via Google AdWords, Bing AdCenter, Amazon Seller Central, Facebook and Instagram. Main focus was on establishing marketing campaigns via outreach to social media influencers in order to drive sales and increase brand awareness.
Assistant S3 Plans Officer • June 2012 - Present
Serve as an Assistant S3 Plans Officer in the rank of Captain within an Army National Guard cavalry scout headquarters troop located at Niagara Falls, New York. Demonstrate keen oversight of operations, including all facets of health and welfare, the facilitation of duties for over 100 soldiers, and the maintenance of more than $25 million dollars in military equipment. I currently have and maintain a Secret level government Security Clearance. MOS 19A
I deployed to Ukraine in 2017!
Webmaster • 2010 - Present
Manages a portfolio of personal and client web sites as well as their servers. Responsible for maintaining their uptime, security, billing, PPC, SEO, web design & development. Have leveraged traffic from personal websites to generate a livable monthly income through advertisements and affiliate marketing.
I'm knowledgeable in several web design and development technologies as well as digital marketing software. For web development I mainly interact with the front-end scope of work but have worked with back-end elements such as MySQL and PostgreSQL databases. WordPress continues to be my preferred CMS for myself and my clients. I typically use Grunt to speed up and standardize my theme development with WordPress. When I'm not developing a site for a client I am managing their marketing campaigns through Facebook Business Manager and Google Ads. One of the skills I am honing at the moment is copywriting and I have been using what I have learned to achieve higher ROI for my clients ad spend.
Bachelor of Science in History • December 2011
Minor in Military Science
Attended SUNY Brockport from 2008 until 2011. Achieved a Bachelor of Science in History with a minor in Military Science. Participated in campus ROTC program and received an Army Commission in 2012. Was a member of several computer science clubs on campus including a web designers & developers club.
Associates of Science in Liberal Arts • May 2008
Attended Monroe Community College from 2006 until 2008 and received an Associates of Science degree in Liberal Arts. Participated in several campus finance clubs including a charitable investors club and an equity traders club.
Generate your custom military map symbol and drag it onto Google Maps and enable the MGRS overlay to quickly build concept scenarios. This application was built with HTML5, CSS3 and JavaScript/jQuery. I utilized the Google Maps API and modified it by implementing an MGRS overlay from external JS libraries. I then created a sidebar that would allow the user to drag and drop custom map symbols onto the canvas.
On January 13th 2019, the official twitter account for the Department of Defense retweeted the article about my app!
Ted Carlson Dog Training is a premium dog training service located in Mandeville, Louisiana. This business is owned an operated by Ted Carlson who was an Air Force dog handler and an Iraq war veteran. The logo for his site was created by me in Adobe Illustrator while the site is created on top of the WordPress CMS.
Branding, Web DevelopmentAn aesthetic single purpose website that puts you inside a warm and cozy log cabin during a snowstorm. The user settings are controlled via JavaScript and stored in your cookies. The candle flicker is custom made in SASS and adds a warm ambiance to the setting.
Web Design, Personal ProjectThis website is a single page application for grading the Army Physical Fitness Test. A user enters their data into each of the boxes and prints out a score at the bottom. The user can then send this data via AJAX to a DA Form I designed in HTML for easy filling out and printing. Take some time to admire the custom CSS animations for each entry box.
Web Application, Web Development, Web Design, AJAX, JavaScript, CSSWhen one of my clients wants to ensure that the Google Analytics Tracking Code is properly installed on every page of his website I run on it. I created this single page application with Python in the back end and utilized Flask for HTML templating. The results page spits out data on each scanned page and tells you if the GATC is installed properly.
Web Application, Python, FlaskThis single page web application was created by myself for the purpose of finding potential influencer accounts on Instagram for marketing purposes. The application bypasses Instagram's restrictive API and scours on-page JSON data for each user account entered. This spits out data about a users account at a given time frame. Its useful in finding user engagement for each account-- things Internet marketers enjoy. You can then store the data in a MySQL database to compare account growth over a time period.
Web Application, Digital Marketing, Social Media MarketingA client approached me and asked to build a front end uploader for his website. I created a custom front-end public uploader plugin for his WordPress website with added form validation to ensure only PDF files are being uploaded and dynamically added to his website. Just Give Me The Damn Manual is a website that allows people to upload PDF files without the need for logging or creating an account.
Web Application, WordPress, Client Website, PHP, MySQLDestiny Arms is an apartment complex located in Syracuse New York, right next to the Destiny USA mall. The site is built with WordPress and a heavily modified theme of 'Hotelia'. All the floorplan images were spliced from a master blueprint where I created a custom branded image for each room. As per the client's wishes I utilized a simple for loop in jQuery to hide the room data and turn the row red when the availability column says 'Leased'.
Wordpress, Webdesign, Web developmentI love talking with like-minded people and businesses working to make the world a better place. If you’re interested in chatting or want to enlist my online marketing expertise drop me a line and I’ll get back to you as soon as I can.